Participá en un programa corto de invierno o verano en alguna de nuestras Universidades socias y obtené crédtios electivos por la experiencia. Para postular el primer paso es completar nuestro formulario de aplicación en UCU
Universidad Pontificia Comillas, en Madrid
Aspectos Destacados de los Cursos de Verano:
Cursos Académicos (disponibles en español e inglés) Los estudiantes pueden elegir entre una variedad de cursos con créditos en:
- Derecho y Relaciones Internacionales
- Empresa y Gestión
- Ingeniería y Tecnología
- Ciencias Humanas y Sociales
- Enfermería y Ciencias de la Salud
- Idiomas
Información Clave:
Ubicación: Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Madrid
Fechas: Los cursos se impartirán entre el 9 de junio y el 18 de julio de 2025
Descuento: Inscripción anticipada y descuentos adicionales disponibles – más información en la web
Para más información visite la web: Cursos de Verano 2025
Leeds International Summer School (LISS) 2025, en Inglaterra
For 2 or 4 weeks in July 2025
Application deadline: 1 May
Spend an unforgettable summer studying at the University of Leeds, exploring the UK and making new friends. LISS combines world-class tuition and academic field trips with exciting excursions and social events. Immerse yourself in British culture and society for two or four weeks in July. Find out more at
From 28 June–26 July 2025- Block one: 28 June–12 July, Block two: 13 July–26 July
To view Scholarships here
Choose from a diverse range of over 30 academic modules and earn credit:
- Arts and Humanities
- Business
- Engineering and Science
- Medicine and Health
- Social Sciences
CUNEF Universidad en Madrid
Programa de Inteligencia Artificial (en inglés)
Fechas: Del 30 de junio al 18 de julio (3 semanas)
Idioma: Inglés
Alojamiento: Residencia en frente de la Escuela de Ingeniería, con habitación individual, aire acondicionado y desayuno. Los estudiantes pueden optar por alojarse en la residencia o reservar su propio alojamiento.
Actividades: Clases por las mañanas, visitas obligatorias a empresas relacionadas con el curso cada semana, y actividades culturales opcionales como visitas a museos y recorridos por la ciudad los fines de semana.
Tuition fees: 1800€ (10% de reducción para estudiantes de universidades socias)
Programa de Derecho en la Era Digital (En Español)
Fechas: Del 16 de junio al 4 de julio (3 semanas)
Idioma: Español
Alojamiento: Similar al Programa de Inteligencia Artificial, se ofrece alojamiento en una residencia en frente de la Escuela de Ingeniería con las mismas condiciones. También se puede optar por alojamiento externo.
Actividades: Clases por las mañanas, visitas obligatorias a empresas relacionadas con el curso cada semana, y actividades culturales opcionales durante los fines de semana.
Tuition fees: 1800€ (10% de reducción para estudiantes de universidades socias)
Inscripción: Fines de abril
Para obtener más detalles, puedes visitar los siguientes enlaces para cada uno de los programas:
Programa de Inteligencia Artificial
Programa de Derecho en la Era Digital
Curso de Verano en Derecho en CUNEF Universidad "Derecho de la Era Digital: Del Ciudadano a la Inteligencia Artifical" en Madrid (en español)
Entre el 16 de Junio hasta el 4 de Julio inclusive
A lo largo del programa, se abordarán temas como:
- Impacto de la Revolución 4.0 en el ámbito jurídico
- Conocimiento jurídico integral
- Privacidad y protección de bienes intangibles
- Resolución de Disputas en Línea (ODR)
- Ciberseguridad y cibercriminalidad
Link al programa aquí
Para obtener más detalles sobre el programa, puede visitar la página web de CUNEF
IÉSEG School of Management, Paris
July 7th to July 18th, 2025 (2-week programs) and from July 7th to July 31st, 2025 (4-week program).
Are you looking for a rich academic experience in a highly international context? IÉSEG Summer Programs are a unique opportunity to explore business courses, corporate sessions, and enjoy cultural visits in the emblematic city of Paris!
Five programs offered:
- Artificial Intelligence and Sustainability
- Digital Marketing
- Entrepreneurship and Innovation
- Fashion Business
- International Summer Academy
2,950€ with accommodation (2-week programs)
3,650€ with accommodation (4-week program)
Application deadline: April 15th, 2025
ESSCA Paris: The City of Lights
Date: June 16th – July 4th 2025
Intensive 3-week programme Entirelytaught in English Open to undergraduate and postgraduate students
Our Summer Programme in the bustling heart of Paris concentrates on the themes of luxury and management. This enriching experience includes must-visit excursions to iconic locations such as the Yves Saint Laurent Museum, the Louvre Museum, and a scenic boat trip on the Seine.
ESSCA Malaga Summer Program
Application deadline: 15th of April
Join our Summer Programme in Malaga for an intensive course focused on managing the video games industry or onboard to the “state-of-art” in main drivers of the international business, with a focus in different global ecosystems.
Global Management
Programme theme: Prepare Yourself to Manage Globally
Date: June 16th – July 4th 2025
Video Game Management
Programme theme: Unlock the Power of Play and Pave your Path to Success in the Video Game Industry
Date: July 7th – July 26th 2025
ESSCA Luxembourg Summer Program
Application deadline: 15th of April
Our Luxembourg Summer Programme provides students with the opportunity to delve into the latest trends in finance at the heart of Europe’s financial hub. Uncover the transformative potential of blockchain and decentralised finance (DeFi), and gain a comprehensive understanding of ESG topics. This is all complemented by visits to financial institutions and corporate headquarters, offering a real-world perspective on the theories learned.
This programme promises to immerse you in the cutting-edge trends of finance.
Date: June 16th – July 4th 2025
Programme theme: Dive into the Lastest Trends in Finance Blockchain/Cryptocurrency – Sustainable Finance
Programa de Emprendedor en Babson College, Estados Unidos
¿Te imaginas generando un impacto positivo en el mundo y liderando como innovador en tu carrera?
Babson Build: The Entrepreneurship Program for University Students es una experiencia académica transformadora, diseñada para despertar tu mentalidad emprendedora y desarrollar habilidades de liderazgo.
Durante este programa residencial de una o dos semanas en Babson College, la universidad número 1 en emprendimiento de Estados Unidos, aprenderás a pensar y actuar como un emprendedor. Clases dinámicas, equipos multinacionales, y la oportunidad de explorar Boston te prepararán para afrontar los desafíos del mañana y construir tu propio camino hacia el éxito.
Únete en julio para inspirarte con profesores de renombre y formar parte de una red global de estudiantes. Al finalizar, regresarás a tu universidad listo para perseguir tus pasiones, resolver problemas y dejar tu huella en el mundo.
Requisito para postular: Estudiantes de grado y postgrado
UG2 (1 semana)
Fechas: 6/7 - 11/7
Costo: $2,520.00
UG3 (2 semanas)
Fechas: 6/7 - 18/7
Costo: $4,780.00
Los costos del programa incluyen:
- Alojamiento compartido en un dormitorio del Babson College.
- Tres comidas por día de semana en el comedor del Babson College.
- Sesiones en aulas ubicadas en el campus de Babson College.
- Participación de profesores, conferencias, discusiones de casos, materiales de clase y la administración general del programa.
- Recepción de bienvenida con comida y bebidas no alcohólicas.
- Transporte a la ciudad de Boston para exploración.
- Transporte de ida y vuelta al aeropuerto de Logan (un traslado de llegada y un traslado de salida por programa).
Posibilidad de financiación en 6 cotas.
Novedad: Ahora puedes financiar tu viaje con rifas.
La aprobación de esta experiencia otorga 4 créditos académicos
Inscríbete hasta el 15/04 aquí
Mas informaciones aquí
Programas de verano 2025 en ESIC University, Madrid
ESIC University ofrece diversos programas de verano con duración de 1 o 2 semanas en Madrid entre junio y julio 2025:
- Groth Hacking - 10 créditos
- Human tu Human Marketing - 10 créditos
- Culture and Business in Spain - 5 créditos
- Cibersecurity Bootcamp - 5 créditos
Winter program in Nantes, France
Winter program schedule: January 6 – January 24, 2025
Audencia’s three-week, intensive Winter Program will enable you to:
- Enjoy a lively blend of traditional classroom instruction and hands-on experience in our intensive three-week program, conducted entirely in English.
- Earn credits that can be transferred to your home institution
- Customize your program according to your interests
- Determine the length of your stay
- Learn in English with top faculty members from around the world
- Discover life in France
- Enjoy small class sizes
The program runs for a total of three weeks (up to 12 ECTS in total), but you can take as few or as many weeks as you like. It is fully customizable! Earn 4 ECTS /2 US credits per week.
Key dates:
- Applications are open!
- Application deadline for students: November 19
¡Escuela de Verano UNS 2025!
¡Este verano será inolvidable!
Prepárate para vivir la mejor aventura educativa del año en Bahía Blanca, Argentina.
Para el 2025, la temática será “Destinos inteligentes, una mirada bajo el paradigma de Smart Cities”.
Fechas: Del 17 al 28 de febrero de 2025
Bahía Blanca, Argentina
El costo de participación total por persona es de 1.100 USD.
Pre-Inscripción aquí (hasta el 30 de noviembre)
Contacto: |
Número de WhatsApp: +54 9 2914277572
Summer program in AMDA, New York
Summer Session 2 : July 6 - July 26 (3-week)
The 3-week Summer program provide an intensive yet comprehensive experience, with classes from Monday to Friday and cultural activities on Saturdays. This program includes a film shoot of scene work and culminates in a final performance on-stage in New York City.
total with housing USD 8,073 (*)
total w/o housing USD 5,806 (*)
Application: Audition (interview)
(*) Talent based + need scholarships available for UCU students (based on audition).
Winter program en Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Madrid
WINTER PROGRAMME ENTREPRENEURSHIP & INNOVATION at Comillas will be held over two weeks in January. This programme encourages innovative thinking and promotes an entrepreneurial mindset, specifically designed for undergraduate students.
We offer 7,5 ECTS within the sessions of:
Introduction to the entrepreneurial ecosystem
Ideation and business model
Exploring Strategy
Implementation and start-up
Learning to sell the idea
Application Period: from May 20, 2024 to November 30, 2024
Tuition fee: 1.400 euros.
Meals and social activities are FREE OF CHARGE for students. Housing and travel expenses are not included
Summer and winter program, Antwerp, Belgium
In February, Antwerp Summer and Winter University offer eight programmes and diverse topics, including Diamonds, Food Systems Law and Policy, European Solidarity, and Sustainable Logistics. Other engaging themes include Water, Relationality and Ethics, International Design, Pharma Logistics, and Researching Open Innovation.
Winter program Osaka (Japón)
January 14 ~ January 31, 2025
Application Period October 10 ~ November 6, 2024
The Kindai Short-Term Japanese Program is a 3 weeks’ program with Japanese language classes and culture experiences that is available only for our partner university students.
Applicants should be able to understand English or Japanese at a basic conversational level in order to follow the extra cultural activities.
For the details of the program, please refer to our website.
HEC Montréal, Canada
This unique program, designed for students at the beginner French level, offers an incredible opportunity to start learning this language. Participants will also explore, in English, emerging trends and challenges such as artificial intelligence, sustainable development, and entertainment, all the while experiencing the beauty of a Canadian winter.
Program Details:
Dates: January 27 to February 14, 2025 (3 weeks)
Level: Beginner in French
Cost: $2,095
Mandatory Insurance: $147
Accommodation: Various options available on the website
Registration Deadline: November 15, 2024
>> More Information & Registration
Winter program in Korea
The ‘Feeling Korea’ Short-Term Cultural Experience Program
Our ‘Feeling Korea’ program offers international students an immersive experience in Korean culture and language over a two-week period. Participants will visit historical and cultural sites throughout Korea, including those in Jeonju, and engage in hands-on activities while learning about traditional Korean clothing (hanbok), traditional crafts, Korean cuisine, and Taekwondo
Porgram date: January to February 2025
Application: November to December 2024
Winter program in Sophia University in Tokyo
Program Date: January 8 - January 29, 2025 (3 weeks)
Sophia’s Summer Session has provided participants with the opportunity to study about Japan and explore the country’s relation to Asia and the rest of the world. Students experience various aspects of Japanese culture and society, and witness the myriad of ways in which different cultures of the world are reflected.
Chado, the Way of Tea and Japanese Culture ·Media and Contemporary Issues in Japan ·Modern History of Japan ·Contemporary Japanese Culture and Society
Students can apply for our January Session through the online application portal.
>> More information
Deakin University en Australia (Melbourne)
Únete a "Australia Today", un curso fascinante que explora la historia y cultura de Australia a través de una emocionante combinación de excursiones y aprendizaje en el aula.
Plazo de postulaciones: 20 de octubre 2024
Winter program Innsbruk
The upcoming MCI Winter Program in Innsbruck, designed to offer an enriching academic and cultural experience.
Program Details:
Dates: February 3 - February 21, 2025
Location: MCI -The Entrepreneurial School®, Innsbruck, Austria
Courses Offered: Innovation & Start-up, Digital Marketing, Digital Entrepreneurship, Basics of Embedded Systems and more
Nomination/Registration Deadline: November 15, 2024
This program provides a unique opportunity for participants to gain valuable insights into sustainable business and digital practices while experiencing the rich culture of Austria. Detailed information about the program, including application procedures and deadlines, you can find HERE.
Summer and winter Program - Budapest
Winter: mid - January 2025
2 options (60 hours):
Intensive program offering core courses and field trips for a total of 7.5 ECTS credits.
- International Marketing & Crisis Management
- CSR & Humanistic Management
Application deadline: November 15
Level: undergraduate
Language of teaching: English
Summer: June to July 2025
Intensive program offering core courses and field trips for a total of 12 ECTS credits.
2 options:
- Human Centered Management and Leadership & Economic and Business Opportunities between Europe and Asia
- International Marketing and Logistics & Self Leadership
Application deadline: April 15
Level: graduate
Language of teaching: English
Documentos asociados: